[Weekly] What is everybody working on? Share your progress, discoveries, tips and tricks!

What is everybody working on? Share your progress, discoveries, tips and tricks!

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Tinkering with the sysinfo module as a wallpaper:


import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Shapes 1.15
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12
import ScreenPlay.Sysinfo 1.0

Rectangle {
    id: root
    color: "#19181E"

    property color accentColor: "#FF9800"
    property string fontFamily: firaCodeFont.name
    property int fontPointSize: 16

    FontLoader {
        id: firaCodeFont
        source: "fonts/FiraCode-Bold.ttf"

    Rectangle {
        anchors.fill: wrapper
        anchors.margins: -50
        color: "#212128"
        border.color: root.accentColor
        border.width: 10

    ColumnLayout {
        id: wrapper
        anchors {
            horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

        Text {
            id: txtGPU
            text: "GPU"
            color: root.accentColor
            font.family: root.fontFamily
            font.pointSize: 60
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

        RowLayout {
            Text {
                id: name
                text: SysInfo.gpu.vendor
                color: root.accentColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                font {
                    pointSize: 16
                    family: "Fira Code"
            Text {
                text: SysInfo.gpu.name
                color: root.accentColor
                horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
                font {
                    pointSize: 16
                    family: root.fontFamily

        Text {
            id: txtUptime
            text: "UPTIME"
            color: root.accentColor
            font.family: root.fontFamily
            font.pointSize: 60
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

        RowLayout {
            id: valuesLayout
            spacing: 20
            Text {
                id: txtYears
                text: "YEARS " + SysInfo.uptime.years
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                font.pointSize: root.fontPointSize
            Text {
                text: "DAYS " + SysInfo.uptime.days
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                font.pointSize: root.fontPointSize
            Text {
                text: "HOURS " + SysInfo.uptime.hours
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                font.pointSize: root.fontPointSize
            Text {
                text: "MINUTES " + SysInfo.uptime.minutes
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                font.pointSize: root.fontPointSize

            Text {
                id: txtSeconds
                text: "SECONDS " + SysInfo.uptime.seconds
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                font.pointSize: root.fontPointSize
        Text {
            id: txtCPU
            text: "CPU"
            color: root.accentColor
            font.family: root.fontFamily
            font.pointSize: 60
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
        Row {
            id: row
            spacing: 10
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Text {
                id: txtCPUValue
                text: Math.floor(SysInfo.cpu.usage)
                color: root.accentColor
                font.family: root.fontFamily
                width: 70
            ProgressBar {
                from: 0
                to: 100
                value: Math.floor(SysInfo.cpu.usage)
                Layout.fillWidth: true

        Text {
            id: txtStorage
            text: "STORAGE"
            color: root.accentColor
            font.family: root.fontFamily
            font.pointSize: 60
            horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter

        Item {
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.preferredHeight: 20

        ListView {
            id: storageListView
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Layout.preferredHeight: 100
            model: SysInfo.storage
            delegate: Item {
                width: storageListView.width
                height: 40
                Row {
                    spacing: 10
                    Text {
                        id: txtStorageName
                        text: name
                        color: root.accentColor
                        font.family: root.fontFamily
                        width: 70
                    ProgressBar {
                        from: 0
                        to: bytesTotal
                        value: bytesAvailable
                        width: storageListView.width - txtStorageName.width - row.spacing


Hey, the wallpaper or widget is cool, can you upload it to workshop or pack it to an archive so I can try it? (im kinda lazy sorry)

It is easy: Create a new qml wallpaper from the wizard and replace the content of the main.qml. This works with the current steam version.

I know but iā€™m just too lazy to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

@tretrauit _tmp_171806.zip - Google Drive